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Castfireplaces sponsors Melissa at Miss Derby

A proud weekend for us here at Castfireplaces as our Daughter Melissa made it to the final 7 for the title of Miss Derby held in Leicestershire, Melissa joined us at Castfireplaces back in February and many of our customers will have spoken to her on the phone and she will be a fantastic asset for our family company.
Anyway enough about work Liss really takes after her mum in the beauty stakes and was spotted at the clothes show by a talent scout and asked to attend a photo shoot in Watford which to say I was dubious about was an understatement, as I’m a perfect Dad I gave up watching my beloved Nottingham Forest beat Derby to take her and the family here to see how she got on.
So impressed were they with her model looks she was put forward into the Semi Final of Miss Derby and made it through to the final seven which was held this weekend, so off Rhian and Liss went with our Company sponsoring her Sash and she took part in her first Beauty contest. I have to admit I really thought she would win but she did not get a place in Miss England as they thought she was too young at 16 and not as confident as the others.
Be quick then and buy a fireplace from her so you can tell all your friends when she is rich and famous that you once bought a fireplace or stove from the next Claudia Schiffer don’t just take my word for it have a look at the photo below I’m sure you will all agree her talent may be wasted working at Castfireplaces.
Mel Castfireplaces

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