Any stove fitted with a heat OUTPUT that exceeds 5KW has to by law have an external vent installed to outside air; these are normally fitted through the brick work and allow the stove to function correctly with a source of clean air.
As this is a requirement as part of them being fitted correctly by a HETAS registered fitter we have taken the decision to offer them for sale on our website so customers can simply order them with the stove.
So on our website we offer the Ventilation kits for sale in our flue pipe section and have them in stock to send out via TNT or can deliver with your stove order by our own vans.
So for all the technical information it is as follows
Required for stoves over 5KW and installed into the same room as the stove to outside air
AirCore Ventilator – Buff – 125mm AC10
Combustion air vent for heat producing appliances. Provides 100cm² equivalent area.
Verifiable equivalent area calculation by Advantica.
HETAS approved for use with solid fuel appliances. Core drilled – suitable for retrofit installations. Grilles U.V. stabilised to protect against fading.
Tube: 127mm Dia. x 358mm L Grilles: 166mm L x 160mm H
So to keep within current regulations when having a stove over 5KW output just order one of our ventilation kits
01773 718718