Cement bleed on a Limestone Fireplace

So another long day at Castfireplaces and I’m just finishing off sunny weather is supposed to stop people buying fireplaces and think about BBQ and beer not at Castfireplaces it seems.
Today I have heard a tale of woe from a customer of our who ordered an Agean Limestone Fireplace Package and opted for an Agean hearth to a match.
We do sell agean hearths on our website but to be honest we only sell a few of them as we do not offer them as part of our fireplace packages.
They are very fragile items and limestone being a porous stone is not ideal for a hearth I always explain this to customers requiring a limestone hearth and most change their mind.
Anyway todays little tale comes after we have delivered the fireplace and it has been fitted and off the fitter goes and the customer rings me asking about two brown stains on the hearth and how to remove them.
Limestone marks very simply and its common when fitting to sand the whole fireplace or hearth in this case and seal with a stone sealer to ensure dirt does no soak into it.
I asked the customer about the marks and he said they were the size of dinner plates, now either the fitter has huge hands or has done something very wrong fitting this.
He text me a photo and straight away I knew what has happened he has used normal building sand cement under the hearth and levelled it on that this is perfect for granite and slate but not limestone.
The reason for this is limestone is very porous so it has sucked the moisture from the cement straight through the hearth leaving gravy like stain on the top surface.
I’m afraid it will not dry out and the hearth is ruined and will have to be replaced
You need white cement to fit a limestone hearth and normally a barrier in between and any fireplace fitter used to fitting this type of products knows this so I’m afraid he has gone off to see what his fireplace fitter is going to do about it.
If in doubt just ring us before installation we are here to offer help to our customers

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