Free Gallery Limestone Sealer with Limestone Fireplace Packages

What a lovely day it has been today I have been at the factory this morning and in the office all afternoon approving new page layout on our product pages which we have finally got right now and you can view example here Jubilee and Brompton Limestone Package
This we feel tells customers more about the fireplace package they are buying and what’s included and to clarify sizes etc.
Also you will see at the bottom of the page the Fireplace finish pictures which are a new addition.
Anyway one of the major changes to avoid confusion as to whether you need to seal limestone or not is now that we are offering a free tin of Gallery limestone sealer with every limestone fireplace package bought from Castfireplaces.
Some limestones we offer are presealed but others are not.
You can never be sure how well they have been sealed in the factory at China whilst they do work under iso 2002 standards it’s pretty easy to miss a part of the limestone when you are doing hundreds a week.
So what better way to ensure your limestone fireplace looks good for years to come than to seal it with a free bottle of limestone sealer

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Monday - Friday
9.00 - 16.00

9.00 - 12.00

Closed Sunday and Bank Holidays

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Unit 1-2
Thorpes Road Industrial Estate, Heanor, DE75 7EE

01773 718718


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