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New Factory Unit is all mine time to fill it with Fireplaces

Hooray Hooray its happened at last Castfireplaces has officially got a new home me and Rhian are the proud owners of Unit 2 Coopice Side North Street Langley Mill NG16 4DF and it is owned by us.
We have bought this industrial factory unit to expand our growing business and with now over 3000sq ft. of storage and showroom we have plenty of room and height to store more of the gallery fireplaces we sell.
We have completed the sale this morning on the unit after troubles with none existent mineshaft etc. but I’m glad to say it’s all sorted.
So the Builders arrive Monday to construct our new showroom which will be featuring live fireplace and stove displays and also to create customer welcoming area.
I’m very excited about this new venture as we continue to grow our company into what I believe to be the Best Fireplace supplier in the UK.
I know we are not the largest but size does not matter it’s about customer care and the way we deal with our customers from initial enquiry through to aftercare, nobody works harder or cares more.
So I’m really pleased with myself today as we can now do things to our own building to really make it a place to visit and as we keep 100s of fireplaces in stock too our customers really like our takeaway service.
There are very few places you can actually visit and then take the goods away that’s just another reason what makes us different.
Anyway I’m off to bed now for an early night as I’m delivering in London in the morning, ooh I nearly forgot watch out for our new logos on our website next week we already have printed paper arrive and the vans are booked in on the 11th 12th and 13th of November to have all there new signs done and after email today from Paul at our suppliers he likes the look of them too can’t print what email said as it had swear words in Bad Lad LOL.

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