Here at Castfireplaces we never compromise on quality to get good prices we don’t sell just anything because it’s cheap.
Look at other websites and you will find cheap flue pipes, cheap liners and cheap cast iron fireplaces, this is not what we do here at cast fire places we only sell the best products at the best prices.
This ensures you our customers get to buy only quality items we would be happy to fit in our own homes what is the point of buying a decent stove then fitting cheap flue liner that will not last the warranty.
I have seen online flue liners and flue pipes at prices that are cheaper than our trade buying price and have also seen the flue pipes they give away with stoves and believe me our fitters refuse to use them as they are sub-standard.
This also applies to Twin Wall Flue Systems which we supply it’s all HETAS approved so you can be assured of the quality, we only sell Dura-Flue liner which is one of the UK’s best brands it’s well respected in the fireplace trade as being quality.
Yes its more expensive than the imported flue but once fitted you can be sure it will last its lifetime and we guarantee you will have no problems with it.
Just remember if it looks too good to be true it normally is and Castfireplaces sell fireplaces cheap not cheap fireplaces
01773 718718