
Wood Burners, log burners, multi fuel stoves are all phrases to describe the humble stove. The popularity of this heating device has surged in recent years due to gas and electric prices and also the cost-of-living crisis.

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Quite simply put why would you not take control of your own heating bills and fit a fantastic heating source warm your home for less next winter.

All the stoves we are sell are SiA approved, and most are DEFRA approved stoves for those living in smoke-controlled areas. ClearSkies is the new rating system for independently tested items, and we are seeing more models with this simple to view rating.

We have a new range of Bio-Ethanol stoves and a good range of Gas versions for customers wanting the look of a real stove without the mess.
At Cast Fireplaces, we have a stove for every occasion, whether you’re on a budget, living in a smoke-free area, want a specific brand or if you’re looking for an entire suite to make a real statement in the room you want to set it up in.

Split into simple categories of Stove Suites – Wood Burning – Multifuel and our easy to use Brands Section finding your perfect stove has never been easier.

We also offer a range of spares including flue pipes, soot doors and chimney liners and Twin Wall Flue Systems.

A simple to use stove is a great addition to any homes heating there is nothing better on a cold winters evening than relaxing in front of a roaring fire.

Frequently Asked Questions

A stove described as Multifuel normally has a grate and ashpan and is capable of burning smokeless coal along with wood.

A Woodburner will burn wood only and most have flat bases as the fuel burns better like this.

Not at all we provide the cleanest burning appliances and with them being SiA approved and Clearskies approved and tested you can rest assured these are the cleanest most efficient appliances around.

Technically yes if signed off by Building controls but Castfireplaces strongly advise to have them fitted by Hetas etc to ensure this is done safely. A certificate of compliance is required for each installation.

Visit the Showroom

Monday - Friday
9.00 - 16.00

9.00 - 12.00

Closed Sunday and Bank Holidays

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Contact us
Unit 1-2
Thorpes Road Industrial Estate, Heanor, DE75 7EE

01773 718718


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