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Saltfire Stoves now on sale on our website

Another brand of stoves has been added to our ever growing range here at castfireplaces and I am pleased to announce we can now offer the Saltfire range of wood burning and multi fuel stoves. We have agreed to stock them in our showroom with the suppliers and today have listed them for sale on

New Family member appointed at Castfireplaces

As we get busier here at Castfireplaces I am pleased to say we have added another member of staff to our office and its now time for our daughter Melissa to join us here and continue our family tradition. She is starting a Business apprenticeship as she has left school and it makes perfect sense for her

Caframo eco fans arrive on our website

So you have a woodburning or multi fuel stove and would like to save some money on your fuel whether you burn wood or coal. How do you go about this? The answer is by using an Eco fan. With fuel savings of up to 18%, there has never been a better time to invest in

Castfireplaces closed for ten days Summer holiday break

After a long Winter and Spring here at Castfireplaces its time to take a Summer holiday and if you are reading this we are currently away on holiday in sunny Cyprus. This I’m afraid means the office and showroom are closed here at Castfireplaces till we return on the 21st August. As myself and Rhian

Broseley Stoves feature video at Castfireplaces

A new feature on our website is the Video Hub which has been use before featuring videos about Cast fireplaces and our showroom in Langley Mill. We are now starting to add product videos and the first one has gone live today and features some information about the range of Hillandale Broseley stoves we offer on our

Broseley Stoves more added to our website

I’m pleased today I have spent an hour updating our website and adding the full range of wood burning and multi-fuel Broseley stoves to our shopping site. These are now all available to buy directly from Castfireplaces and as we are an authorised dealer you can rest assured we can obtain ay from this range.

Daisy Bedroom Fireplace

The Daisy Combination fireplace is a firm favourite from the Gallery range we sell and is one of our most popular cast irons. Quite often called by our customers the Daisy Bedroom fireplace because of its small compact size it’s ideal for smaller rooms. So it is ideal for smaller chimney breasts which do tend to be

Castfireplaces to stock Hunter and Parkray Stoves

Another great range to be added to our website over the next few weeks adding to the range of stoves that we offer is the Hunter Brand of stoves. We are having into stock the Hunter stoves we can sell on our website and Parkray and Eco Ideal that will be available for sale via

Victorian Fireplaces at Lincoln have gone into liquidation

So we can now confirm that one of our so called competitors has gone into liquidation and basically gone bankrupt, we have had 3 different sets of customers this morning call us asking if we can supply certain fireplaces and the delivery times. Customers from Tring and Warrington have ordered from us after having the

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