Combination Fires

Combination Fires are cast iron fires that are complete and do not require a further surround as they come with a shelf. These are the most affordable types of fire we offer and are very simple to install with the fixing lugs attached to the casting. We also sell a range of cast iron fireplaces that come with a choice of hearth.

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A cost effective fire and often described as an all in 1 fireplace come and view our range.
They are called combination fires due to being two items in one, a mantel and a cast.
We have shelf sizes ranging from our smallest Daisy fireplace at 30” wide up to the Edwardian at 48”. Available for use with Solid Fuel – Gas – Electric and Bio Ethanol we have loads of options.
The look of these fireplaces is classically Victorian and Edwardian, so if you live in a property from those eras, these pieces will really sit well. Most have intricated detailing, some have tiles running down the sides and then we have the Barcelona, which is totally plain, and makes a bold statement in any room.
You will need a separate hearth with this type of fireplace or if using in a bedroom most people mount them on tiles to avoid tripping over the hearth.

Frequently Asked Questions

We also sell them as Cast iron fireplace packages which includes the hearth most people but these on existing hearths or in bedrooms, hallways etc where a hearth is not required.

Normally used for decorative purposes its just a matter of attaching them to the wall with screws and raw plugs.

Most houses of Victorian and Edwardian eras will have a chimney breast in the bedroom and quite often if you lift the carpets you will find original tiles set into the floor where the fireplace would have sat.
Our range of bedroom fireplaces are sold without a hearth as I think it’s better to sit them on some flat tiles or level with the floorboards so you are not tripping over a hearth.
Ideal for small bedroom chimney breast is our Daisy and Nottage fireplace with a shelf width of 30” and 32” they really should be perfect.

Visit the Showroom

Monday - Friday
9.00 - 16.00

9.00 - 12.00

Closed Sunday and Bank Holidays

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Contact us
Unit 1-2
Thorpes Road Industrial Estate, Heanor, DE75 7EE

01773 718718


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